Manage Buy Now Pay Later


The Optty Retail Control Center is our simple interface to allow you to manage your Buy Now Pay Later providers. As well as the option to add new Buy Now Pay Later's, Optty allow you to...

  1. Deactivate / Reactivate individual Buy Now Pay Later's

  2. Re-organize the Buy Now Pay Later display sequence in the checkout page

  3. Customise specific display rules for the specific Buy Now Pay Later option

  4. Update the API Credentials

Deactivate / Reactivate a BNPL

  1. Log into the Optty Retail Control Center Sandbox / Production

  2. Click on BNPL Management in the left panel

  3. Select the Buy Now Pay Later, then click on the Manage button

  4. Click on the Deactivate / Reactivate option in the top right corner

Re-organized Buy Now Pay Later Sequence

  1. Log into the Optty Retail Control Center Sandbox / Production

  2. Click on BNPL Management in the left panel

  3. Click on the Buy Now Pay Later option and drag it to the position that you want it to display in the check out page. Your customers will see the changes the next time they load the page on your website.

Display rules & Configuration

  1. Log into the Optty Retail Control Center Sandbox / Production

  2. Click on the BNPL Management in the left panel

  3. Select the Buy Now Pay Later you wish to update, and click the Manage button

  4. Select Display Rules & Configuration on the top panel

    • Min / Max Checkout Value

      Determine Minimum or Maximum basket size to display the BNPL option to the consumer

Update API Credentials

  1. Log into the Optty Retail Control Center Sandbox / Production

  2. Click on BNPL Management in the left panel

  3. Select the Buy Now Pay Later you wish to update, then click the Manage button

  4. Click on the Deactivate optuion in the top right corner

  5. Update the API KEY & SECRET and then click on Test Connection.

Last updated